Overpowered by alcohol and drugs, Bonnie once stood at the brink of prison. Through her authenticity and storytelling, Bonnie brings pure hope to this share. Others loved on her and provided a safe place until she healed enough to help others – and that is her priority today.Sobriety Date: 6/10/2008Quotes “I was shown patience, love and tolerance when I didn’t have any.”“This pain is universal and the solution is the same, and it’s very, very simple; it’s not easy, but it’s simple, it’s 12 st...

Show Notes

Overpowered by alcohol and drugs, Bonnie once stood at the brink of prison. Through her authenticity and storytelling, Bonnie brings pure hope to this share. Others loved on her and provided a safe place until she healed enough to help others – and that is her priority today.

Sobriety Date: 6/10/2008

“I was shown patience, love and tolerance when I didn’t have any.”

“This pain is universal and the solution is the same, and it’s very, very simple; it’s not easy, but it’s simple, it’s 12 steps.”

Referred by: Shawn (Episode #69) 
