Sean came into the rooms suicidal and desperate. In an attempt to stop drinking for 30 days, he found lasting sobriety and hasn't had a drink since. Despite drifting from the program after moving, Sean never drank and eventually returned. Today, he treats his alcoholism with the tools offered within the 12 steps. Sobriety Date: 10/28/1989Quotes “That was the main thing, was that I felt better when I left the meeting than when I went into the meeting.”“Keep going to meetings until you want to ...

Show Notes

Sean came into the rooms suicidal and desperate. In an attempt to stop drinking for 30 days, he found lasting sobriety and hasn't had a drink since. Despite drifting from the program after moving, Sean never drank and eventually returned. Today, he treats his alcoholism with the tools offered within the 12 steps.

Sobriety Date: 10/28/1989

“That was the main thing, was that I felt better when I left the meeting than when I went into the meeting.”

“Keep going to meetings until you want to go to meetings.”

Referred by: Dave M. (Episode #240) 
