Drinking and driving and taking a life at 18 years old, James had a long road to forgive himself, but he made his way there. James's gentle and honest recounting of his experience transforms into a touching story, offering profound insights and wisdom. Sobriety Date: 9/25/2018 Quotes “I don’t have to be right today; I just have to be sober and loving and forgiving.” “That’s where you’re blocking the spirit of God, when you’re thinking there’s nothing wrong with you.” “That’s the secret to th...

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Drinking and driving and taking a life at 18 years old, James had a long road to forgive himself, but he made his way there. James's gentle and honest recounting of his experience transforms into a touching story, offering profound insights and wisdom.

Sobriety Date: 9/25/2018

“I don’t have to be right today; I just have to be sober and loving and forgiving.”

“That’s where you’re blocking the spirit of God, when you’re thinking there’s nothing wrong with you.”

“That’s the secret to the program, accepting that you’re really broken and need help.”

Referred by: KCB Listener

