Show Notes
Shirley shares her Experience, Strength and Hope as she approaches 8 yrs. of sobriety. Shirley was born in London to a dysfunctional family, with an alcoholic mother and workaholic father. There were lots of rules and expectations, which involved abuse and emotional neglect. The pain of childhood seeped into her teenage years which were extremely difficult for Shirley, specifically due to her dangerous and extreme eating disorder.
At 15 yrs. old Shirley discovered alcohol, and from the beginning went into blackouts, waking up in strange places. Nonetheless, alcohol became her escape, her freedom, her lifeline in a very rough world. Not long after waking from a blackout, covered in blood, she received a call from an old friend in sobriety, and she went to her first meeting.
Life is not always easy in sobriety, but Shirley is in her best years yet. She has a healthy relationship with her daughters and has a home, and the community and friends of the program. Shirley is no longer lonely and scared; she is loved and safe.
“My first real addiction was food . . . it was something I could control.”
“I never wanted to have 1 or 2 drinks, I always wanted to go to oblivion.”
“Just keep coming back and don’t pick up that first drink.”
“I’m starting to like me, which is a big, big deal.”
*recorded internationally, sound may vary.
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