Dave silently struggled with the need to control what other people thought of him and a deep need to be liked. After an ultimatum, Dave found his way to the rooms and today is completely comfortable in his skin – no matter what anyone thinks of him.Sobriety Date: Middle of August in 2008Quotes “I couldn’t drink enough to cover the shame.”“Everyone in the world quits drinking at some point, just some people get to do it before they die." Referred by: Glenn (Episode #28) InstagramFacebook
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Dave silently struggled with the need to control what other people thought of him and a deep need to be liked. After an ultimatum, Dave found his way to the rooms and today is completely comfortable in his skin – no matter what anyone thinks of him.
Sobriety Date: Middle of August in 2008
“I couldn’t drink enough to cover the shame.”
“Everyone in the world quits drinking at some point, just some people get to do it before they die."
Referred by: Glenn (Episode #28)
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