38 years sober and Gena still does all the things she did when she came into the rooms. In this story, she recounts her journey of finding grace, humility and gratitude through the 12 steps. While Gena tried various 12-step groups, it was in Alcoholics Anonymous where she found her people and her recovery. Sobriety Date: 1/3/1987Quotes “I’ll never be able to repay Alcoholics Anonymous, and the people, what they’ve done for me.”“They told me that even if I want to take a drink, I just do...
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38 years sober and Gena still does all the things she did when she came into the rooms. In this story, she recounts her journey of finding grace, humility and gratitude through the 12 steps. While Gena tried various 12-step groups, it was in Alcoholics Anonymous where she found her people and her recovery.
Sobriety Date: 1/3/1987
“I’ll never be able to repay Alcoholics Anonymous, and the people, what they’ve done for me.”
“They told me that even if I want to take a drink, I just don’t have to.”
Referred by: Sean J. (Episode #199)
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