Thursday, July 28, 2022 vol 116. Sobriety Date 7/12/2019 (Ursula)

Always feeling like an outsider and unable to connect to others, Ursula found something in the escape of alcohol. Ursula shares a beautifully honest a...

Thursday, July 21, 2022 vol 115. Sobriety Date 12/10/2018 (Karen C.)

Broken on the inside while presenting perfection on the outside led to Karen hating herself, before she ever began drinking. Once alcohol came into th...

Thursday, July 14, 2022 vol 114. Sobriety Date 11/6/2020 (Jessica)

Jessica’s share contains painful stories of child sexual abuse, kidnapping, violent spousal abuse, trafficking, suicide attempts, and the development ...

Thursday, July 7, 2022 vol 113. Sobriety Date 4/27/1991 (Margaret)

In this calm share Margaret shares her beginnings in the rooms, which started as an Al-Anon member, before she realized it was AA that was needed. As ...

Thursday, June 30, 2022 vol 112. Sobriety Date 5/24/2015 (Glenn H.)

Glenn didn’t drink much until he was a successful business man, which quickly came with high prices: loss of marriage, kids, job, tons of money, and m...

Thursday, June 23, 2022 vol 111. Sobriety Date 3/30/2020 (Alex)

1st generation kid that began serious drinking at 10 yrs. old, with lots of drugs thereafter, Alex is just learning how to be gentle to herself; 2 yea...

Thursday, June 16, 2022 vol 110. Sobriety Date 8/13/2018 (Howard R.)

After waking up face down in his backyard, having no memory of the previous day, Howard surrendered to the program and what it could offer. Today he c...

Thursday, June 9, 2022 vol 109. Sobriety Date 1/26/2004 (Hans)

Hans was in and out of the rooms for 6 yrs. but he kept trying, and each time he?d do something a little different . . . and finally, it was 90 meetin...

Thursday, June 2, 2022 vol 108. Sobriety Date 1/26/2021 (Sam)

Sam found sobriety at 30 yrs old, during COVID lockdown. A blackout drinker that didn?t realize she had a problem until she hid her first bottle ? whi...

Thursday, May 26, 2022 vol 107. Sobriety Date 10/13/1991 (Carla)

Married at 17, sober at 27, mother of two boys in the military, and having recently celebrated 30 yrs of sobriety, Carla is a very young old-timer tha...

Thursday, May 19, 2022 vol 106. Sobriety Date 8/12/1990 (Ralph)

Ralph – sober at 32, explains how he was “struck sober” when an acquaintance pointed out that he was an alcoholic. He set down his beer and hasn’t had...

Thursday, May 12, 2022 vol 105. Sobriety Date 4/9/2001 (Eric M.)

From his first drink, Eric drank like it was a marathon, always going overboard and beyond everyone else. It was in a moment of honesty with his fathe...

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