Sober at 26, Michael has been in the program for almost 30 years. During this time he has maintained a strong program, never without a sponsor, and st...
Thursday, November 14, 2024vol 236. No More Misery with John Henry
John Henry came into the rooms after 4.5 years of not drinking; he was suicidal and desperate. No longer miserable, today John Henry has peace in his ...
Thursday, November 7, 2024vol 235. Wings of Sobriety with Sara O.
Sara O. was also Episode #35—our first repeat speaker at! Sara's share beautifully showcases the incredible growth experienced by m...
Thursday, October 31, 2024vol 234. A Perfect Substitute with Tate H.
After decades of suffering, Tate finally embraced AA, asking his mom to take him to his first meeting. Through attending multiple meetings a day, Tate...
Thursday, October 24, 2024vol 233. A Selfless Life with Paul B.
A moment of clarity during a drunken episode made Paul realize he might die alone if he didn't change. Through AA, he has developed a selfless life, f...
Thursday, October 17, 2024vol 232. Finding our Practice with Alecia S.
After 4 years of trying, Alecia just celebrated her first year of sobriety! She used alcohol to escape or enhance all emotions, which eventually cause...
Thursday, October 10, 2024vol 231. Restoration of Perspective with Chris A.
Born in the 1950s to an unwed mother and subjected to severe abuse by his stepfather, Chris faced unimaginable challenges from the beginning. Despite ...
Thursday, October 3, 2024vol 230. From darkness to Faith with Stephanie J.
Stephanie, 1st generation Cuban-American, is a drug addict and alcoholic that found a home in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. She has lived on the ...
Thursday, September 26, 2024vol 229. Follow the Leader, with Christian H.
After a few years of sobriety and then slipping away from the program, Christian found himself face-to-face with Jack Daniels and said yes . . . follo...
Thursday, September 19, 2024vol 228. Serenity Despite Life, with Bert W.
An only child from a home filled with love, Bert had no outside reason to be an alcoholic and addict. But on the inside, he felt different-than, even ...
Thursday, September 12, 2024vol 227. A Peaceful Comfort Zone, with John L. #2
From prison to preaching, John brings passionate truth and a calm energy to his story. Addicted to alcohol and its cousins, John had a dark bottom, ho...
Thursday, September 5, 2024vol 226. The drug Ethanol, with Jack B.
Jack tried everything he could to prove he wasn’t an alcoholic, but all roads kept leading him back to AA. In this share, he details the seriousness o...
Thursday, August 29, 2024vol 225. Cure for Thinking, with Mayra C.
Mayra believes she struggled with alcoholism long before her first drink; it was her thinking that was the problem and the drinking that helped it. Af...