Sober at 26, Michael has been in the program for almost 30 years. During this time he has maintained a strong program, never without a sponsor, and st...
Thursday, March 7, 2024vol 200. 6/25/2017 (Aurelio)
Sober at only 25 yrs. old, it took Aurelio a few years to grow into practicing these principles in all his affairs . . . and now that he does, Aurelio...
Thursday, February 29, 2024vol 199. 8/3/1981 (Sean J.)
Sober at 16 yrs old and still sober today at 59 yrs. But not all of those years were happy, joyous and free. Sean tells a great story of learning the ...
Thursday, February 22, 2024vol 198. 5/10/2017 (Amanda E.)
Amanda was first introduced to AA on a court card at 17 years old. She was then in and out for 18 years until she found recovery, unity and service in...
Thursday, February 15, 2024vol 197. 10/12/1986 (Andrea S.)
Old school and long-term member of AA, Andrea tells it like it is and makes clear the program is simple and found in the first 164 pages, period. Quot...
Thursday, February 8, 2024vol 196. 11/8/2016 (Alex B.)
Drugging and drinking from 17 to 29, Alex shares his journey to recovery with complete abandon. To say he is an advocate of the Big Book and the 12 st...
Thursday, February 1, 2024vol 195. 09/15/2013 (Taryn W.)
A formerly incarcerated alcoholic/addict, Taryn is a lovely example of the magic available (when we work for it) in the rooms. Today, Taryn is a PhD s...
Thursday, January 25, 2024vol 194. 2/26/2002 (Tony S.)
Tony kept finding creative solutions to the problems his drinking and using caused, oblivious that he was an alcoholic and addict, until he wasn’t. To...
Thursday, January 18, 2024vol 193. 10/11/2021 (Skye)
Skye got sober at only 24 yrs. old, and in her short drinking career she came to despise herself and in her short sobriety stint of only 2 yrs. so far...
Thursday, January 11, 2024vol 192. 12/9/2019 (Sebastiaan)
In this calm share, Sebastiaan shares how he got sober at 21 and lives now as a 24 yrs. old with serenity and peace. Quotes “One thing that I’ve been ...
Thursday, January 4, 2024vol 191. 8/19/1983 (Jim B.)
A war baby and Vietnam veteran, Jim shares (with amazing detail) stories of what life was like and how he got to where he is today—living fully the AA...
Thursday, December 28, 2023vol 190. 7/24/2017 (JD E.)
Born in a small Alaskan town, JD found sobriety in the lower 48, after literally begging for help and refusing to leave a detox center. JD wanted what...
Thursday, December 21, 2023vol 189. 4/19/2002 (Toni S.)
The story of Toni is one of transformation – sober since she was 23 years old, today she looks nothing like the broken young lady she came in as. Toda...