Thursday, September 22, 2022 vol 124. Sobriety Date 8/11/2020 (Matt C.)

One of 7 kids, growing up in a dry home, Matt didn’t know what normal drinking or alcoholism looked like. It wasn’t until he was a successful business...

Thursday, September 15, 2022 vol 123. Sobriety Date 10/23/1991 (Phil)

Phil didn’t see alcoholism coming, but by High School his drinking escalated into a necessity and went on for almost 2 more decades. Finally the life ...

Thursday, September 8, 2022 vol 122. Sobriety Date 11/1/2011 (Keli)

This Australian woman of 61 yrs. is in her second round of sobriety, this time using all the tools that are at her disposal, including outside medical...

Thursday, September 1, 2022 vol 121. Sobriety Date 11/24/2011 (Gerri)

This cheeky Catholic Irish woman walked into AA at 29 years old. From a loud, drunk, crazy home, Gerri had to fight her way to a new life. And she bea...

Thursday, August 25, 2022 vol 120. Sobriety Date 8/13/1991 (Tim C.)

Grew up feeling like an outcast, completely rejected, in and out of juvenal hall, drug dealing and 8 DUIs, Tim never thought his life would be anythin...

Thursday, August 18, 2022 vol 119. Sobriety Date 7/18/2017 (Becca)

An alcoholic only on the inside, Becca was consumed by thoughts of drinking but had no rock bottom, just complete insanity of her thinking mind. After...

Thursday, August 11, 2022 vol 118. Sobriety Date 2/21/2022 (Monica)

Monica was never a child, she was constantly full of fear, and first picked up a drink at only 9 years old. It took her a long time to find the rooms ...

Thursday, August 4, 2022 vol 117. Sobriety Date 8/18/1983 (Teddi)

Teddi came to the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous for one reason: to get verification from real alcoholics that she was a normal drinker. They told her ...

Thursday, July 28, 2022 vol 116. Sobriety Date 7/12/2019 (Ursula)

Always feeling like an outsider and unable to connect to others, Ursula found something in the escape of alcohol. Ursula shares a beautifully honest a...

Thursday, July 21, 2022 vol 115. Sobriety Date 12/10/2018 (Karen C.)

Broken on the inside while presenting perfection on the outside led to Karen hating herself, before she ever began drinking. Once alcohol came into th...

Thursday, July 14, 2022 vol 114. Sobriety Date 11/6/2020 (Jessica)

Jessica’s share contains painful stories of child sexual abuse, kidnapping, violent spousal abuse, trafficking, suicide attempts, and the development ...

Thursday, July 7, 2022 vol 113. Sobriety Date 4/27/1991 (Margaret)

In this calm share Margaret shares her beginnings in the rooms, which started as an Al-Anon member, before she realized it was AA that was needed. As ...

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