Sunday, March 8, 2020vol 20. Sobriety Date 5/1/2002 (Chris G.)
Chris shares his Experience, Strength and Hope; from a lonely and emotionally abusive childhood to homelessness to the rooms of recovery. This addict ...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020vol 19. Sobriety Date 1/11/1986 (Gigi)
Gigi shares her Experience, Strength and Hope as she walks us through what the 12 steps mean to her and how they brought her to a life of peace and se...
Wednesday, January 29, 2020vol 18. Sobriety Date 1/1/1986 (Kevin)
Kevin shares his Experience, Strength and Hope. It was the words "might" and "maybe" that got this young man of 23 years off the s...
Wednesday, January 1, 2020vol 17. Sobriety Date 11/10/1985 (Fred)
Fred shares his Experience, Strength and Hope. After many years of trying and failing to get sober, he finds himself at a conference for Adult Childre...
Tuesday, December 31, 2019vol 16. Sobriety Date 1/1/2001 (Will)
Will shares his Experience, Strength and Hope; he gets real on his battle of relapse, job loss and brain cancer. Will demonstrates the beauty and peac...
Sunday, December 29, 2019vol 15. Sobriety Date 1/7/2004 (Andrew)
Andrew shares his Experience, Strength and Hope; from growing up in Silicon Valley and working at Apple to homelessness, with grand mal seizures sprin...
Saturday, December 28, 2019vol 14. Sobriety Date 5/29/1986 (Stuart)
Stuart shares his Experience, Strength and Hope as he explores the complexities of life after decades of sobriety.Quotes"Life is a little bit unc...
Monday, December 16, 2019vol 13. Sobriety Date 12/26/1997 (Tammie)
With almost 22 years of sobriety, Tammie shares her Experience, Strength and Hope. Life in sobriety isn't always smooth sailing; Tammie shows us ...
Sunday, December 8, 2019vol 12. Sobriety Date 10/18/2019 (Kate)
Kate bravely shares her Experience, Strength and Hope. After 8 years of sobriety she talked herself into drinking again, and she quickly found the obs...
Sunday, November 3, 2019vol 11. Sobriety Date 1/28/2008 (Phillip Andrew)
Phillip shares his Experience, Strength and Hope; losing his mother at 15, alcohol became his solution to hide, constantly feeling alone, and going do...
Saturday, November 2, 2019vol 9. Sobriety Date 9/9/2018 (Christine)
Christine shares her Experience, Strength and Hope; never belonging and almost walking away from Alcoholics Anonymous, Christine finds a home and a jo...
Saturday, November 2, 2019vol 10. Sobriety Date 7/21/2005 (Brian)
Brian shares his Experience, Strength and Hope; finding his love and life in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, we hear how Brian survived his wife’s ...